The discipline of African American Studies comprises critical, systematic engagement with historical, cultural, political, and social experiences of people of African descent in the United States. While our work centers on U.S.-based experiences, we are equally concerned with the global presence of African descendants. African American experiences are therefore viewed within an expansive diasporic context. Importantly, this work requires interrogation of the racial, ethnic, gender, and class dynamics that enrich African diasporic experience and scholarship.
Our students, staff, and faculty come from a range of backgrounds, experiences, and fields of study. Collectively, our mission is to combine rigorous study, creativity, and research in the production and exchange of knowledge concerning Africa and its diaspora. We aim to foster a community of thinkers, scholars, activists, and artists whose work enriches understanding of how African Americans and other African Diasporic communities have mutually shaped the social worlds they inhabit.
The African American Studies fund supports special programs, activities, and projects of the newly elevated department. Here are a few of our goals for this year and beyond: