What is Billiken Backers?

Billiken Backers is Saint Louis University's new crowdfunding platform. It is our way of supporting students, faculty, staff and organizations that need funding for specific projects to fulfill the Jesuit Mission. It also gives our alumni, parents and friends, the opportunity to directly support their fellow Billikens by choosing a project that speaks to them and making a gift directly to that fund or organization. 

Saint Louis University FAQ

Will my gift be tax-deductible?

Saint Louis University is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Your gift qualifies for tax deduction in accordance with IRS regulations during the calendar year that you make your gift. Consult your tax professional for more information.


Is my gift eligible to be matched by my employer?

Search our matching gifts database to see if your company offers this benefit and to access the correct forms.


Having trouble making your gift?

Call the Saint Louis University Annual Giving Office at 314-977-3781 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or email giving@slu.edu.


Interested in hosting a Billiken Backers Project?

If you would like to learn more about hosting a project through our crowdfunding platform, email giving@slu.edu. 

Our Crowdfunding Groups